Our entire team at Downsvale Nursing Home..

Our entire team at Downsvale Nursing Home would like to extend a HUGE HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all.

🙏As our team sat around and reflected on 2021 it’s a year we reflected on with a smile on our faces…

A return to normality which included:

🙏 Families once again having that access with our residents
🙏 A return to live music in our home along with other entertainers
🙏 Our residents were pampered with visits from beauticians amongst other things
🙏 A couple of fabulous parties which we loved hosting
🙏 To our amazing new residents who joined our happy home

🙌 And let’s not forget the biggest success story in our home…keeping all of our residents covid free

💔 And we will never forget those who we lost this year…never!

Reg- we will forever remember you and everyone in our home is happier in our lives having met you ❤️

#NursingHome #CareHome #CareHomeDorking #CareHomeSurrey #DementiaCare #Dementia #PallativeCare #RespiteCare #NursingCare #PersonCentredCare #CareHomeVisits #CareHomeUK #KeepingResidentsActive #DoingMoreForOurResidents #HappyNewYear #DownsvaleNursingHome

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