The value of that one to one care is vital in care homes…
It allows our team to build strong relationships with our residents
To know their likes and dislikes
And often to understand when things might not be right…a hugely important part of care at homes like ours
Our team love time with our residents
These can be pamper sessions
Or a game of chess where we switch on our brains and take on the challenge in hand
No matter the activity we love caring for each and everyone on our residents
If a friend or family member ever needs to go into care, make sure you mention us…and let that loved one receive the care and attention they deserve
#NursingHome #CareHome #CareHomeDorking #CareHomeSurrey #DementiaCare #Dementia #PallativeCare #RespiteCare #NursingCare #PersonCentredCare #CareHomeVisits #CareHomeUK #KeepingResidentsActive #DoingMoreForOurResidents #Activities #OnetoOneCare #Relationships #DownsvaleNursingHome