We are excited to announce that we are now accepting visitors from the families & friends of our residents through our newly built suite.
Josephine has had her first visitor and was very happy to be seeing her son as you can imagine.
The importance of seeing family is vital for our residents, but so is keeping everyone safe which is why we built this suite to keep families connected through these tough times.
We are proud to be able to say there have been ZERO cases of COVID-19 at Downsvale Nursing Home and we want to keep it this way.
We can’t wait to welcome more visitors over the coming weeks and months.
If you would like to arrange a visit please contact us directly.
#CareHome #CareHomeDorking #CareHomeSurrey #DementiaCare #PallativeCare #RespiteCare #NursingCare #Visits #Family #Moments #CovidFree #DownsvaleNursingHome