We love this short video taken yesterday

❤️ We love this short video taken yesterday ❤️
It just sums up the wonderful relationships our team have with all of our residents 🤗
Just a reminder…
And its not long now until our party at the weekend…our residents are excited and we know you are too!
🎵 We have singers
🍦 An ice cream van
🎈 Magician/ balloon modeler
🎫 Raffle
For those who would like to attend could you please RSVP to Tasha or Paloma on
☎️ 01306 883157
We can’t wait for you all to join us 🤗

#NursingHome #CareHome #CareHomeDorking #CareHomeSurrey #DementiaCare #Dementia #PallativeCare #RespiteCare #NursingCare #PersonCentredCare #CareHomeVisits #CareHomeUK #KeepingResidentsActive #Music #Outdoors #Summer #DownsvaleNursingHome

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