We’ve made a few improvements over the last few months…

We’ve made a few improvements over the last few months…

💻 This time to our website

🤗 We thought it was time to brighten up the way it looks….have more of a warm feeling and to give a closer reflection to the care we give to all of our wonderful residents.

👩‍💻 Please take the time to have a look…we hope you like it; you will be seeing more of these colours across our social pages soon too

#NursingHome #CareHome #CareHomeDorking #CareHomeSurrey #DementiaCare #PallativeCare #RespiteCare #NursingCare #PersonCentredCare #CareHomeVisits #CareHomeUK #KeepingResidentsActive #DoingMoreForOurResidents #Dementia #DementiaUK #Charity #DownsvaleNursingHome

