When our residents enjoy new technology 

It’s wonderful to see our residents embracing technology, just like you can see in this video of Michael completing a digital puzzle. 

It’s not just about celebrating the use of technology…
What’s more important is the care, attention, and support our activity team provides to each resident when they are engaged in their daily activities, just like this. 

And the best part? Our team absolutely loves helping our residents and enjoys their company. There is never a dull moment with our wonderful residents. 

#NursingHome #CareHome #CareHomeDorking #CareHomeSurrey #DementiaCare #Dementia #PalliativeCare #RespiteCare #NursingCare #PersonCentredCare #CareHomeVisits #CareHomeUK #KeepingResidentsActive #Puzzles #Technology #DownsvaleNursingHome